Jun 6, 2023
"I feel insecure about praying out loud."
Prayer used to be something that was scary to Natasha. From the way she heard prayers were made, she had the idea that prayer had to be...

May 21, 2023
Prayers are never in vain
Joel, Jia Tong, and Lukas are serving as lifegroup leaders in the youth group of Hope Church Singapore. They have been leading their...

May 21, 2023
Heart for missions sparked off prayers
Geraldine came to know Christ in the youth days. During her time in the University Ministry, she was encouraged to do short term missions...

Oct 16, 2022
Can you still worship God even without the “feels”?
When Derek started leading the musicians in the worship ministry of his church, he asked God how he could contribute to the ministry. He...

Sep 30, 2022
God revealed Himself to her and healed the sick through her prayers
After Ruth’s father passed on when she was 12 years old, she became socially withdrawn. A friend reached out to offer comfort and told...

Sep 22, 2022
Persecution did not stop her from standing in the gap
Esther (not her real name) comes from a minority people group in Singapore and came to know Jesus as a young student. As one of the very...

Aug 30, 2022
Her labour in intercession led to the start of Festival of Praise in Myanmar
Meet Jean Wong, an unassuming lady in her 60s. Most would think she is just a regular church-goer, a typical grandmother, busy loving her...