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Keys to Effective Prayer

Prayer is one of the most important spiritual disciplines, but it is also one of the most neglected. Prayer is communication with God. Prayer helps us receive God's peace and healing in the midst of our problems and concerns. Prayer helps us discern God's will for our lives. Prayer encourages others, protects others, and empowers others to further the ministry of Christ in the world.

It is to our advantage to learn to pray effectively. Because "The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much" (James 5:16). But, have you ever prayed and felt like God wasn’t listening or that your prayers weren’t being answered? The Bible gives us guidance in how to pray effectively.

This course will cover important keys to effective prayer, that will help you receive breakthroughs in your walk with God.


Pay As You Can

Course Timing

5 & 6 August 2024

Course Timing

7.30pm-9pm (SGT)


Understanding and Growing in the Prophetic

God promised in His word (Acts 2:17-18) that He would pour out His Spirit upon all in these last days and all will prophesy. This 4h course will help you understand why God desires that all will prophesy, how you can receive from Him and how to minister to yourself and others through prophecy in your daily life. Course will cover:

What is prophecy
Who can prophesy
Values of prophecy
Why God desires all to prophesy
Ways we hear God's voice
Ways to deliver a prophecy
Protocols of delivery
Prophetic exercises
Basic interpretation & processing of prophecy
How to grow in prophecy


Pay As You Can

Course Timing

18 & 25 November 2024

Course Timing

7.30pm-9.30pm (SGT)


Starting a Prayer Group

Do you have a desire to start a prayer group at your church, school or at work? This workshop will help encourage you, guide you with first steps, and considerations to keep in mind for the prayer group to take off. God is looking for men and women who will stand in the gap for His kingdom to come, and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. You are more than able to rally others to pray together today.


Pay As You Can

Course Timing

Course Timing

7.30pm-9.30pm (SGT)

Prayer and Children

Building Prayer Culture with Little Ones

A practical workshop to help parents usher in God's presence in our homes through the messy early years (0 - 7 years old). This workshop will include how we can build a prayer culture in our family; how to pray for our children; how to help our children be aware of how He speaks to us; His fingerprints in our lives; and live in awe and wonder of God our Father.


Pay As You Can

Course Timing

Course Timing

7.30pm-9.30pm (SGT)

Rest and Prayer

Finding Rest in a Restless World

This workshop aims to highlight some possible reasons for the restlessness within us and suggest practical steps to live rooted in life and biblical rest.


Pay As You Can

Course Timing

Course Timing

7.30pm-9.30pm (SGT)


Becoming a Life-giving People-Helper/ Mentor


Pay As You Can

Course Timing

Course Timing

7.30pm-9.30pm (SGT)

Pray and Dream

Dreams Interpretation

Are you a dreamer? God promised in His word (Acts 2:17-18) that He would pour out His Spirit upon all in these last days and we will dream dreams, see visions and prophesy. God often speaks to us through dreams and visions. He releases inspiration, innovation, invention, direction, wisdom, and much more through them.

If we understand that the Lord wants to speak to us through dreams, it opens up another level in connection with Him. We can all learn to discern and process our dreams. God desires to reveal Himself, to teach and lead us during our waking time what He’s speaking during the night.


Pay As You Can

Course Timing

23 September 2024

Course Timing

7.30pm-9.30pm (SGT)

Freedom In Christ

Introduction to Freedom In Christ

Many Christians struggle to take hold of basic biblical truth and live it out. When we live unaware of the lies and bondage keeping us captive, we are unable to live out the freedom and full life God created us for.

Struggling with anxiety, depressive thoughts or uncontrollable emotions? Do you often have nightmares or are harassed by evil spirits? If you feel trapped by any of these, you are not alone. You can break free to live a victorious life. This workshop is based on Neil T. Anderson's Steps to Freedom In Christ.

Sign up today! You don't have to live in fear and hopelessness. There is hope and freedom in Christ.


Pay As You Can

Course Timing

17, 18, 24 June 2024

Course Timing

7.30pm-9.30pm (SGT)

Voice of God

Discovering God's Will & the Voice of Holy Spirit

"What is God's will for my life?" "How can I know where God is leading me to?" Many believers ask these questions as we desire to live out God's purposes for our lives. Being aware of and sensitive to how He speaks and reveals Himself to us, help us receive His directions and will. In these 2 sessions, we explore a biblical and practical approach to know God's will, and the many ways He communes with us.

Jesus said "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." Join us to learn 12 ways that God can speak to us and become more confident in the unique ways He speaks to you.


Pay As You Can

Course Timing

Course Timing

7.30pm-9.30pm (SGT)

Biblical Parenting

Raising Tiny Disciples (0-7yo)

Are you a parent confused and thrown about by the many parenting approaches advocated in the world? Are you parent-led, child-led, or Spirit-led in your approach? This workshop will include what biblical parenting is; how to build relationship and trust with our children; how to build biblical habits and disciplines; and what Spirit-led Parenting looks like. Let's parent our children as God would parent them. We highly recommend attending "Building a Prayer Culture at home" together with this workshop.


Pay As You Can

Course Timing

Course Timing

7.30pm-9.30pm (SGT)

Power of Holy Spirit

Ministering in Power of Holy Spirit (for church mentors)


Pay As You Can

Course Timing

Course Timing

7.30pm-9.30pm (SGT)


Growing in Intercession


Pay As You Can

Course Timing

Course Timing

7.30pm-9.30pm (SGT)

Coaching & Consultancy

We also provide support in these areas.

Please contact us to enquire more.

1-1 Christian Counselling & Coaching


Building a Prayer Culture and Ministry


Building a Prophetic Ministry in Church


Building an Altar Ministry in Church

Contact Us

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