Our Team

Christine Chean
Founder. B.Eng (ME), MSocSc (Counselling),
A.C.T Certified Trainer (Prophetic Company),
Christine Chean is married to CN Leong and they serve the Lord together with their 2 beautiful daughters. She has worked as a counsellor, a missionary, and heads the intercession and prophetic ministries at their local church, Hope Church (S). She also leads the adults and families of a zone with CN. Christine is passionate to help believers know and walk with God intimately, to be friends and lovers of God. She has equipped and continues to equip believers from various churches (in Singapore and the nations) in the areas of prayer, prophetic, and inner-life, so that they can live in wholistic health, freedom and victory, to be life-givers in this world.

NextGen writer & projects

Overall Editor & Comms
