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Her labour in intercession led to the start of Festival of Praise in Myanmar

Meet Jean Wong, an unassuming lady in her 60s. Most would think she is just a regular church-goer, a typical grandmother, busy loving her 8 grandchildren, from ages 2 years to 15 years these days. Yet, she is nothing but ordinary.

Since her early 30s, she has been involved in various intercession groups, standing in the gap for Singapore and the nations. Today, she is still very involved in LoveSingapore's various prayer initiatives and joins international prayer groups to intercede for nations.

Jean's journey in intercession started when she attended a rally in 1980. The speaker was George Verwer. She responded to the call to “do whatever it takes for the extension of the Kingdom of God”. She had always wanted to do missions, but she heard the Holy Spirit say, "you will travel on your knees". She realised that she would need to surrender her desire to live as a missionary in another country. God's call for her was to fight for the nations on her knees and to stand in the gap through fasting and prayer.

Her diplomat husband was posted to Indonesia, Thailand, and Myanmar, and where she went, she prayed. Through disciplined times of prayer, often with prayer groups in those nations, she grew in her intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

She learnt to pray in spirit and in truth and to “do whatever He tells” her (John 2:5).

One of her memorable assignments from God was in 1998 when she was led to organise Festival of Praise in Myanmar, an event with worship, prayer, and preaching of the Word. However, it was challenging harnessing human resources and logistics back then without emails or handphones, even more so in a land that was foreign. God provided her with wisdom to navigate the culture and to bring consensus to differing opinions. Through intercession and hard work, the very first Festival of Praise came to pass!

Some of the leaders were excited to have the Festival of Praise again in the following year. Jean was reluctant because of the challenges. But the Holy Spirit empowered her to continue. In 2003, the training and organising was passed on to local leaders while she continued to give direction and mentor younger leaders in prayer and planning. Local leaders continued to organise smaller versions of the Festival of Praise in different cities. In 2018, in the 20th year of the Festival, Jean gathered with the older and younger leaders to re-cast the vision. It was a grand celebration with lighting of Menorahs, dancing, praying for the nation, for natural families, and for Israel. Those young flagging boys and dancing girls who were 9 to 12 years old are now leaders in the Christian community.

Jean is grateful to how God's grace and provision was sufficient to bless the land for His Name’s sake. Believers from Singapore were given more opportunities to serve in Myanmar as well. Till today, many believers in Myanmar thank her for her labour.

Many of them came to know Christ through the Festival of Praise and through corporate times of intercession together.

Jean is still actively involved in prayer initiatives for the nations. She is also a faithful intercessor for Singapore. She is one of the many unsung heroes in the building of Singapore for the Lord. In our interview with her, we asked her what kept her going in intercession all these years, and how she would like to encourage believers in their prayer life.

How did your journey in intercession begin?

I attended a rally in 1980. The speaker was George Verwer. I responded to the call to “do whatever it takes for the extension of the Kingdom of God”. I had always wanted to do missions, but I heard the Holy Spirit, "you will travel on your knees". I realised I would need to surrender my desire to live as a missionary in another country. God's call for me was to fight for the nations on my knees and to stand in the gap through fasting and prayer.

What keeps you going?

Passion for the Lord. I used to want to be involved in what seems exciting but now I just want to please Him and remain in His love. I love seeing Him work as we obey Him in intercession and action. Power belongs to the obedient. Instructed by scripture, inspired by the Spirit, intercession according to God’s will moves mountains.

There is faith that God hears prayer and He summons His angels to establish His purposes on earth for His glory and for our good.

How do you hope to further grow your prayer life?

I would like to cooperate with God to grow deeper in love for people and for God. Spending time in the secret place with God. In that sacred space, He works out greater sanctification so that He can entrust greater authority to execute God’s will on earth.

What is your encouragement to those who are struggling in their prayer life?

Simplify your lifestyle. Be willing to surrender to a loving and holy God. Take time to know Him and be known by Him. Be still. I avoid social media and TV as much as possible. I hardly shop besides buying groceries. Stay in conversations that are life-giving. Intentionally keep away from all that distracts you from God.

Are you hoping to grow your prayer life and make a difference in your family and spheres of influence God has given you? Look out for suitable workshops here


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